The Code for RADAR

                            function getString(){
                                let userString = document.getElementById("userString").value;

                            // takes in the string input and compares its reversed version to see if it is a palindrome
                            function isPalindrome(origString){
                                let message = "An Error Occurred, please reset and try again.";
                                let stringToCheck = origString.trim().replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g,'').toUpperCase();
                                if(stringToCheck == ""){
                                message = `This app does not compare special characters`;
                                else if (stringToCheck == reverseString(stringToCheck)) {
                                message = `Your Palindrome string is: ${stringToCheck}`;
                                message = `Your string: ${stringToCheck} was not a Palindrome.`;
                                return message;

                            //reverse the input string
                            function reverseString(origString){
                                let reversedString = [];
                                for (i=origString.length; i>0; i--) {
                                    reversedString += origString[i-1];
                                return reversedString;

                            //display the results of the app
                            function displayString(message){
                                document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = message;

                            // clear form
                            function clearForm(){

Controller function to run the app. The logic and display are separated out into different functions.


This takes the input string and removes any whitespace, as well as special characters. It also capitalizes the string to make the comparison easier. Creates the appropriate message to be passed to the HTML based on evaluation.


Reverses the input string.


Displays the created message and displays the results.